With the divorce process closing in on you, now's the time to prepare your finances accordingly. Neglecting to take the right steps will hold you back during your divorce, while also increasing the risk of a mistake. Here are five things you can do to prepare your...
Firm News
When are the best times to propose a postnuptial agreement?
One of the main reasons why many engaged couples in California don’t create a prenuptial agreement is that they don’t want to believe in the possibility that they won’t be together someday. They think that if one of them brings it up, then one spouse might believe...
What are unmarried parents’ rights for child custody?
Unlike the baby boom generation that came before them, parents raising children in the 21st century are far more likely to be unmarried than their parents were. In fact, the number of unmarried parents has doubled since 1968, from 13% to 32% in 2017. About 15 million...
A prenup may be most important for your second marriage
If you are preparing to enter your second marriage, there may be valid reasons to consider getting a prenuptial agreement, even if you did not get a prenup before your first marriage. Some people are able to get away without a prenup when they are young, have no...
Welcome To Our Blog
We established this blog to share stories and information about topics relevant to our practice. Our intent is to regularly provide posts highlighting legal issues of local, state and national interest that we think you will find interesting. Check back later for...
4 Reasons parents shouldn’t badmouth their ex
It's completely natural and reasonable to feel negative toward your ex during a divorce. However, there are a number of reasons why it's very important to take the high road. Here are just a few to consider. 1. Your child's sense of trust Whether it seems like it or...
Thinking of divorce? Discard these common divorce myths.
With almost half of the country's marriages ending in divorce, there are more than a few stereotypes floating around about what divorce means and how the process goes.While some may be true to your unique situation, others only myths. Here are a few of the most...
The benefits of establishing parentage in California
When you had your child, you were young and nervous about signing the birth certificate, so you never claimed custody. After years with the mother of your child, you decide that you need to end your relationship, but you quickly find that you have no rights to your...
What can I put in my prenuptial agreement?
Planning for divorce while also planning your marriage might feel counterintuitive, but it is actually a very smart strategy. Divorce can be an emotionally complicated process, so splitting up your assets or dealing with other important issues may end up being more...
Is child support modification warranted in your case?
Divorce is never easy, as many California parents can attest. Even in the best of circumstances where both spouses wish each other well and simply want to agree to a settlement and move on in life in separate directions, numerous legal issues can arise along the way...